Forest Green radio

music for your peace of mind


The Music

Forest Green radio features an inviting musical mix of Celtic, Cinematic, Chill, Ambient, Inspiration, World and more, gathered from the four corners of the Earth, and presented to our listeners each and every day in phone-friendly digital stereo.


The Station

Forest Green radio is an independently owned & operated, Canadian licensed, commercial free, web-only radio station, streaming your way from our cottage garden studio, nestled along the Appalachian trail in Victoria County, New Brunswick, Canada.


The History

Forest Green radio was launched in the Spring of 2016 by Robert John, a retired Canadian broadcaster, who decided to continue his passion for radio, by creating a non-legacy style radio station that is low on chatter, pleasing to the ear, and streaming your way 24/7 in phone friendly digital stereo.

Stream your way!

Listening choices

Web Player

Forest Green Radio's Studio Web Player direct stream from our website

Direct IP

Stream Forest Green web radio on various Internet Devices

TuneIn App

Forest Green web radio from the TuneIn radio website app.


Listen to Forest Green radio from Streema's app on their website.


Listen to Forest Green web radio from Raddio's website.


Listen to Forest Green radio from MyRadioTuner's website.


Energy flows where your intention goes and our intention is to bring the world's best musical mix from across the Earth

I spend the day reading and relaxing. I love your music on Forest Green radio and sometimes I dream with it, another I can remember too the people that I love. I elevate to another world with dreams, and the sounds in harmony with nature.

Manuel Perex


I want to say Thank You for your great music format. Your selections are refreshing and long overdue.Many thanks, and keep putting out the great music. The world needs to hear the music you are playing.



Thank you very much for the good music!

Pol Leurs


Forest Green radio is a treasure. Listening to your station brings calm and clarity to my heart and mind. I'm truly grateful, and I'm glad to stumbled upon Forest Green radio.


North America

Thank you. I'm sitting in my office with my headsets on listening to, you guessed it "Forest Green Radio". You are the best.


North America